'''QCG-Broker Nagios Probe - ver. 2.6''' = Introduction = = Usage = ./qcg_nagios -H hostname [-p port] -n dn -x proxy [-t timeout -v -V] jobdesc -'''H hostname''' - QCG-Broker host -'''p port''' - QCG-Broker port -'''l url''' - QCG-Broker url (can be used as alternative to hostname and port) -'''n dn''' - distinguished name of QCG-Broker service -'''x proxy''' - proxy certificate of QCG-Broker client -'''t timeout''' - test timout given in seconds -'''v/V''' - verbose mode jobdesc - job description = Example = ./qcg-nagios -H qcg-broker.man.poznan.pl -p 8443 \ -n /C=PL/O=GRID/O=PSNC/CN=qcg-broker/qcg-broker.man.poznan.pl \ -x /tmp/x509up_u500 \ ./examples/example1.xml = Exit Codes = * '''STATUS_OK''' - 0 - Test finished successfully * '''STATUS_WARNING''' - 1 - Test finished with exit code different than 0, Test did not finish within given timeout * '''STATUS_CRITICAL''' - 2 - Test failed. * '''STATUS_UNKNOWN''' - 3 - The probe internal or configuration error.