= QCG-Broker Nagios Probe Installation = [[PageOutline]] '''The guide describes how to deploy and use the Nagios Probe for the QCG-Broker service''' = Requirements = * '''Packages requirements''' - all packages required by the QCG-Broker Nagios probe will be automatically installed by the YUM during the installation of qcg-broker-nagios-probe package. * ''qcg-broker-client'' - the probe depends on the qcg-broker client * '''Test User proxy certificate accepted by QCG services''' = Deployment steps = The installation and configuration of the Nagios probe consists of two mandatory steps: * [https://www.qoscosgrid.org/trac/qcg/wiki/CA%20certificates installation of the set of trusted Certificate Authorities certificates], * installation of the probe and all packages it depends on. == QCG-Broker Nagios Probe == === Software repositories === '''The packages are designed for Scientific Linux 5.x The installation process requires root privileges. ''' * Add PL-Grid or/and QCG repositories: * Official PL-Grid repository (recommended) {{{ #!div style="font-size: 90%" {{{#!sh rpm -Uvh http://software.plgrid.pl/packages/repos/plgrid-repos-2010-2.noarch.rpm }}} }}} * Official !QosCosGrid repository {{{ #!div style="font-size: 90%" {{{#!sh cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/qcg.repo << EOF [qcg] name=QosCosGrid YUM repository baseurl=http://www.qoscosgrid.org/qcg-packages/sl5/x86_64 enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 EOF }}} {{{ #Import the QCG public key rpm -import http://www.qoscosgrid.org/qcg-packages/sl5/RPM-GPG-KEY-QCG }}} }}} * !QosCosGrid developing repository (not recommended - mainly for developers and testers) {{{ #!div style="font-size: 90%" {{{#!sh cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/qcg.repo << EOF [qcg-develop] name=QosCosGrid Developer YUM repository baseurl=http://grass1.man.poznan.pl/qcg-rpms/sl5/x86_64/ enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 EOF }}} }}} === Installation === * install QCG-Broker Nagios Probe using YUM Package Manager: (IMPORTANT: If necessary, the qcg-broker-client package will be also installed.) {{{ #!div style="font-size: 90%" {{{#!sh yum install qcg-broker-nagios-probe }}} }}} = Usage = {{{#!sh USAGE: qcg-broker-probe [-H host] [-p port] [-l url] -n dn -x proxy [-m max] [-i interval] [-t type] [-j jobdesc] [-v] [-V] -H host - QCG-Broker host -p port - port which QCG-Broker is listening on (default 8443) -l url - full URL to the QCG-Broker. If set overwrites the HOST and PORT settings. If not set is build based on HOST and PORT -n dn - Distinguished Name of the QCG-Broker -x proxy - path to the proxy certificate -m max - maximum number of status checks (default 5) -i interval - time interval in seconds between next status checks (default 10) -j jobdesc - path to the job description (default /usr/libexec/grid-monitoring/probes/org.qoscosgrid/broker/nagios-test.qcg) -t type - type of the job description: S for qcg Simple, J for JSDL, X for QCG-JobProfile (default X) -v - verbose -V - help }}} == Usage example == {{{#!sh Usage example: /usr/libexec/grid-monitoring/probes/org.qoscosgrid/broker/qcg-broker-probe \\ -H qcg-broker.man.poznan.pl \\ -p 8443 \\ -n /C=PL/O=GRID/O=PSNC/CN=qcg-broker/qcg-broker.man.poznan.pl \\ -x /tmp/x509up_u500 }}} = Exit Codes = * '''STATUS_OK''' - 0 - Task finished successfully * '''STATUS_WARNING''' - 1 - Task neither finished successfully nor failed in requested time (still active) * '''STATUS_CRITICAL''' - 2 - Task failed. * '''STATUS_UNKNOWN''' - 3 - The probe internal or configuration error.