Version 5 (modified by mmamonski, 12 years ago) (diff)


QCG Simple Client


-q queue - kolejka, BROKER jest, COMP jest
-a data_godzina - BROKER ?, COMP nie ma
-n nazwa - jest w COMP, w BROKER mapowane z ... 
-h hold - w COMP nie ma, w BROKERze - two phase commit
-I interaktywne - brak wsparcia
-l zasoby -

* procs/ncpus - liczba procesorw
* nodes=N:ppn=4 - wymuszenie topologi 
* propertiesy wezlow, np.:
** Wroclaw: epoch, hp,u3,old,oldest
** Cyfronet: mhz2400,mem24gb,sl5,n18-4,core12,ib_mlx,ib_all,infiniband
** Reef: g6,intel,lustre,ib,mpi 

* -lmem pamiec=

Example Usage

Example QCG script

#QCG queue=plgrid-wp4
#QCG walltime=0:01:00
#QCG procs=32
#or specifying topology
#QCG nodes=4:ppn=8
#QCG name=HeatSim
#QCG output=${jobid}.out
#QCG error=${joibd}.err
#QCG candidate_host=reef
#QCG stage-in=heat.namd
#QCG stage-in=test/2nue.modif.xplor.psf -> input.psf
#QCG stage-out=heat.coor
#QCG node_properties=mhz2666
#QCG watch_file=namd.log

#any module load/add command implicitly adds requirement on SP selection
module load namd 

charmrun namd2 heat.namd &> namd.log

translates to the following Job Profile: