Version 29 (modified by pkopta, 10 years ago) (diff)


Application mapping

The QCG-Computing service allows to map abstract application name to the absoluth path of the wrapper script. The mapping file is stored in file:


The file has the following syntax:


where VERSION can be an asterix (*) which means "any version". The mapping file is periodically reloaded (5 minutes by default), so there is no need to restart the qcg-compd service after updating the file. Example application_mapfile file:

MATLAB * /opt/qcg-app-scripts/apps/
NAMD * /opt/qcg-app-scripts/apps/
bash * /opt/qcg-app-scripts/apps/
R * /opt/qcg-app-scripts/apps/
CFX * /opt/qcg-app-scripts/apps/
fluent * /opt/qcg-app-scripts/apps/
nwchem * /opt/qcg-app-scripts/apps/
g09	* /opt/qcg-app-scripts/apps/

The scripts for the most common applications are available in qcg-appscripts RPM package.

For the QCG-Computing to be usable you must provide mapping for at least the bash application, i.e.:

bash * /opt/qcg-app-scripts/apps/

Frequently Asked Question: Can I use simply mapping to /bin/bash

bash * /bin/bash

? The answer is "No". You must use the bash.qcg which does much more (e.g. setup environment variables like QCG_NODEFILE).

qcg-appscripts package

This package contains QCG application scripts for the most common applications. Role of the application scripts, apart from the application launch, is the:

  • loads the appropriate modules,
  • converts input files to UNIX character encoding,
  • setup environment,
  • launch user's helper scripts - preprocess, postprocess, assistent,
  • monitor the execution of application through defined schemes or user scripts,
  • handling interactive jobs,
  • etc.

All files are installed in directory:


This directory contains following directories:

  • apps - application configuration files,
  • app-scripts - application scripts,
  • config - QCG application scripts configuration,
  • core - QCG scripts library,
  • tools - QCG tools used by applications.

The administrator must create/edit application configuration files (apps) that contains settings specific to each cluster, such as:

  • name of the application module,
  • environment variables needed by application.

Files from apps directory should be referenced by QCG-Computing application mapping file (/etc/qcg/qcg-comp/application_mapfile).

The application scripts must be accessible by jobs running on cluster worker nodes. Thus directories apps, app-scripts, config, core and tools must be copied to directory shared by all worker nodes. This is done by:


script included in the package. This script reads:


configuration file for destination directory, where scripts should deployed.


To install QCG application scripts:

  1. install qcg-appscripts RPM package
  2. edit /etc/qcg/qcg-comp/app-scripts/config configuration file and set cluster_shared_path variable to point to a directory shared by all worker nodes
  3. launch qcg-appscripts-deploy script
  4. edit/create application configuration files in $cluster_shared_path/apps directory and refer to them in the QCG-Computing application mapping file (/etc/qcg/qcg-comp/application_mapfile)


After instalation of new QCG application scripts package:

  1. launch qcg-appscripts-deploy script to update files in shared directory.

qcg-appscripts-deploy updates directories app-scripts, core, tools. apps directories (besides, and is not overwritten.

New application

To handle application, following elements must be provided:

  • application configuration file (script in apps directory),
  • application script (script in app-scripts directory),
  • mapping in /etc/qcg/qcg-comp/application_mapfile file.

The application configuration file is simple script which:

  • loads the required modules or sets PATH/LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables,

To create new application configuration file aready existed file can be used as a base.

New application version

To create new version of already supported application, it is sufficient to:

  1. copy existing application configuration file, eg:
    cp /opt/qcg-app-scripts/apps/ /opt/qcg-app-scripts/apps/
  2. change loaded module and/or environment variables in $cluster_shared_path/apps/
  3. add new application version to the QCG application mapping file (/etc/qcg/qcg-comp/application_mapfile), eg:
    NAMD 6.2 /opt/qcg-app-scripts/apps/


  • QCG_SCRATCH_DIR - the location of job temporary directory (e.g $TMPDIR) - OPTIONAL - default to $TMPDIR (if set) or "/tmp",
  • QCG_NO_DEBUG - if set do not create qcg.debug file - OPTIONAL,
  • QCG_GROUP_DIR_ROOT - The root of groups home directory (PL-Grid only). Default: PLG_GROUPS_SHARED - OPTIONAL,
  • MACHINE_FILE - the name of the environment variable pointing to the machine file (e.g. PBS_NODEFILE) - OPTIONAL.


This application usually needs no configuration as it is assumed that bash binary cane be always found in the /bin directory. However you can request some extra argument to be passed to bash by specifying BASH_ARGS in common.conf, e.g.:



In matlab.conf simply load matlab module:

module load matlab/current

Or set the PATH variable:

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/exp_soft/matlab/bin/


In namd.conf load the NAMD module

module load namd/current

Additionally if namd2 must be started using different command than mpiexec you can provide additional configuration variables:

MPIEXEC_ARGS="++verbose ++local +p`cat $QCG_NODEFILE |  wc -l`"


In g09.conf load the Gaussian module

module load gaussian/current

and set the following variables

#amount of memory in bytes allocated for the job
MEM_BYTES=`qstat -f $PBS_JOBID | grep Resource_List.mem | cut -f 2 -d = | tr "b" " " `
#primary, unlimited, scratch
#additional fast scratches, the value after colon denotes max used size in MB
#used as shred memory key (must be an integer!)

moreover you have to compile the QCG gaussian helper library that is LD_PRELOADed before starting gaussian:

cd app-scripts/tools/qcg-gaussian
gcc -ggdb -Wall -fPIC -p -o -shared qcg-gaussian.c -ldl
gcc -O3 -Wall -fPIC -p -o -shared qcg-gaussian.c -ldl


in abinit.conf load the abinit module

module load abinit/current

alternatively you may set and extra mpiexec arguments, e.g.:

MPIEXEC_ARGS=" --mca orte_tmpdir_base $PWD "

or set additional variables


Application Scripts - Developers view

This section is target at QCG developers rather than administrators, its list environment variables which influence job life cycle:

Common Input Environment Variables

  • QCG_MODULES_LIST - list of environment modules to be loaded (separated by spaces)
  • QCG_PREPROCESS - file name of the pre process script
  • QCG_MONITOR - file name of the monitor script
  • QCG_MONITOR_INTERVAL - determines how frequently the QCG_MONITOR script should be called (in seconds). - TBD
  • QCG_NTF_CONSUMER_URL - the address of the Notification consumer interested in receiving notification about job output status change - TBD
  • QCG_NTF_WATCH_PATTERN - the regular expression that should trigger notification - TBD
  • QCG_NTF_WATCH_FILE - the file to be watched (default: stdout/err file) - TBD
  • QCG_NTF_WATCH_INTERVAL - determines how often the watched file should be checked (in seconds) - TBD
  • QCG_POSTPROCESS - file name of the post process script
  • QCG_OUTERR_FILE - target filename of the joined output/error stream file (default: output.log)
  • QCG_ZIPPED_INPUTS - set if the input files must be unziped first (e.g.
  • QCG_ZIP_OUTPUTS - whether to zip results into $ file
  • QCG_ZIP_OUTPUTS_FILTER - The wildcard pattern of files to be stored in the zip file (TBD)
  • QCG_COMP_PROCESSES_MAP - topology of hybrid application (e.g. QCG_COMP_PROCESSES_MAP="4:1:1:1")
  • QCG_FORCE_SCRATCH - force chdir to temporary directory

Application Scripts - Users view

Here we list environment variables available in any job submitted as QCG-Application (e.g. bash):

  • QCG_NODEFILE - the machinefile like file with list of nodes allocated for the job
  • QCG_PPN - number of processes per node
  • QCG_SPN - number of allocated slots per node (usually equal to QCG_PPN, differ only if job was submitted with: #QCG node=a:b:c where b>c)
  • QCG_PROCS - total number of proceses