Version 50 (modified by mmamonski, 11 years ago) (diff)


The QCG-Accounting Agent


QCG-Accounting internal architecture


You can install the package using the QosCosGrid yum repository:

yum instal qcg-accounting


The whole configuration of QCG-Accounting agent is stored in single properties files (/qcg/etc/qcg/qcg-acc/ List of configuration properties:


  • - your GOCDB site name,
  • qcg.batch.server - hostname where the batch server is running,
  • qcg.parser.plugin - the name of the log parser plugin (e.g. pbs). Delete this property if the agent has no access to LRMS logs,
  • qcg.publishers.plugins - the coma separated list of publisher plugins (e.g. bat,apel)
  • qcg.debug - if set to true produce more verbose messages,
  • qcg.state.dir - local state directory (default: /var/run/qcg/qcg-acc/),
  • qcg.max.delay - maximum random delay before reporting starts, the random delay was introduced in order to avoid sending reports by all sites in the same time
  • qcg.default.vo - the default VO name sent in case no FQAN was available (default: ""), e.g. job was submitted using non-VOMS proxy
  • qcg.db.pass - password of the QCG-Computing database (see <Database> section of the qcg-compd.xml file),

If your database setup is not standard you may need to configure also the following properties:

  • - QCG-Computing database host,
  • qcg.db.port - QCG-Computing database port,
  • - QCG-Computing database name,
  • qcg.db.user - QCG-Computing database name.

Also if you want to report job as different (by default the QCG-Accounting agent tries to guess local hostname automatically) submit host than you may want to set the following property:


Parser plugins

PBS Pro and Torque log parser - pbs

  • qcg.pbs.home - the root of the Torque spool directory (e.g. /var/torque).

Publishers plugins

BAT publisher (PL-Grid only) - bat

At first you must ask the BAT administrator to provide you all credentials (username/password and X.509 certificate) needed to connect to the BAT. Copy the received keystore into the file /opt/plgrid/qcg/etc/qcg-acc/truststore.ts (make sure that this file is only readable by root).

  • qcg.bat.user and qcg.bat.pass - put here values provided by the BAT administrator
  • qcg.bat.keystore.pass - keystore pass (provided with key by the BAT administrator)
  • qcg.bat.test - enables test mode (i.e. do not send records to BAT broker) - default: false.
  • qcg.bat.grid.only - set this to true if you do not want to report LRMS specific job information.

APEL SSM publisher - apel

At first you must install and configure APEL SSM 2 ( instructions) as the QCG-Accounting APEL publisher requires '/usr/bin/ssmsend' to be present. In the end configure the plugin itself:

  • qcg.ssm.msg.dir - directory for outgoing usage record messages (default: /var/spool/apel/outgoing/),
  • qcg.ssm.benchmark.type - benchmark name: either Si2k or HEPSPEC,
  • qcg.ssm.benchmark.value - benchmark value (if cluster is composed of machines various types provide here weighted mean),
  • - site name as reported to APEL (optional). Default:

Grid-SAFE publisher - gridsafe

The Gird-SAFE publisher plugin was developed within the  MAPPER project to simplify gathering accounting data between from many infrastructures (EGI, PRACE and campus resources). Steps needed to configure the GRID-SAFE plugin:

  • you can use the host cert-key pair to authenticate in the Grid-SAFE RUPI service, but first you need to convert it into the PKCS12 format. You must report your host DN to the Grid-SAFE administrator
    openssl pkcs12 -export -descert -inkey /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem -in /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem -out /opt/plgrid/qcg/etc/qcg-acc/hostcred.p12 -name "HOST Certificate"
    chmod 0400 /opt/plgrid/qcg/etc/qcg-acc/hostcred.p12
  • you can use the example configuration:
    #send usage report only about the following users
  • or configure it manually:
    • qcg.gridsafe.url - URL of the Grid-SAFE RUPI WebService (e.g.,
    • qcg.gridsafe.keystore - path to the keystore file for the RUPI plugin,
    • qcg.gridsafe.keystore.pass - password to access the keystore,
    • qcg.gridsafe.keystore.type - type of the keystore: pkcs12 or jks (default is pkcs12),
    • qcg.gridsafe.truststore - path to the truststore file for the RUPI plugin,
    • qcg.gridsafe.truststore.pass - password to access the truststore,
    • qcg.gridsafe.truststore.type - type of the truststore: pkcs12 or jks (default is pkcs12).


  • qcg.PUBLISHER.filter.userdn - send usage records only for jobs with the given X.509 DN
  • qcg.PUBLISHER.filter.userdn.file - send usage record only for jobs with the X.509 DN's listed in the given file (the file location can be an URL stream, e.g.
  • qcg.PUBLISHER.filter.project - send usage record only for jobs with the given project Id (grant)
  • qcg.PUBLISHER.filter.project.file - send usage records only for jobs with project id (grant) listed in the given file


The QCG-Accounting Agent stores all diagnostic information in the following log file: /var/log/qcg/qcg-acc/qcg-accounting.log. You may also try to set the qcg.debug configuration property to true in order to get more verbosity of log messages.

Migration from version 3.0

The QCG-Accounting Agent stores all diagnostic information in the following log file: /opt/plgrid/var/log/qcg-acc/qcg-accounting.log. You may also try to set the qcg.debugconfiguration property to true in order to get more verbosity of log messages.
