#!/bin/sh # change dir to the location of this script cd $(readlink -f $(dirname $0)) # prepare dependancy list. Notice: LIBS are terminated with a colon LIBS=$(ls -1 lib/*.jar | tac | tr '\n' ':') # why tac: because normal order of the files in listing results in error below: # java.lang.SecurityException: class "org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERInputStream"'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package # once the packages are loaded upside-down, all's fine :\ # prepare java virtual machine arguments JVM_ARGS="-Djava.util.logging.config.file=logging.properties -Dorg.qcg.core.sdk.timeout.read=60000 -Xrs" # launch QCG-Icon java ${JVM_ARGS} -cp "${LIBS}QCG-Icon.jar" org.qcg.icon.Main "$@"