* [https://apps.man.poznan.pl/trac/qcg-icon/downloads Download] QCG-Icon installer appropriate for you operating system. * During first run you will be asked about PKCS12 keystore and password. If you have your certificate in `.pem` format use the following command to convert it: {{{ openssl pkcs12 -export -descert -inkey userkey.pem -in usercert.pem -out usercred.p12 -name "Certyfikat vo. plgrid" }}} * You can submit a job either by double-clicking application input file (Windows only) or using `Submit task...` action from QCG-Icon menu. * After selecting the main input file a new window will apear where you can set: * additional files to be staged in * target cluster (`Resource`) - you must first check where your application is preinstalled by clicking `Check availability` * wall time and optionally Queue * memory requirements * whether your application is sequential or parallel * After submission you can monitor your application using the main window. Double click on the table row to popup a window with current output of the application. Right click shows context menu with more action that can be applied to a job.