QCG Application Monitoring Installation with RPM packages


All packages needed to install and run QCG Application Monitoring service are installed automatically by the YUM Package Manager.

Software repositories

To install QCG Application Monitoring service please configure the system with   QCG Software Repositories.


IMPORTANT: Perform the installation as the administrator (root user).

IMPORTANT: A new account (qcg-appmonitor) will be created during the installation.

  • install QCG Application Monitoring service and all dependencies using YUM Package Manager:
    yum install qcg-appmonitor


The configuration of the QCG Application Monitoring service is stored in /etc/qcg/qcg-appmonitor/server.conf. All changes in this file should be made as 'qcg-appmonitor' user. It contains the definitions of options in following format:

option = value

Lines beginning with hash (#) are ignored. Not defined options will be initialized to default values. The most important options are following:

  • viewer.port - the HTTP/HTTPS port for job's render requests,
  • notifier.port - the HTTP/HTTPS port for incoming job status notifications,
  • viewer.ssl - (true/false) protocol HTTP/HTTPS selection for job's render requests,
  • notifier.ssl- (true/false) protocol HTTP/HTTPS selection for incoming job status notifications,
  • ssl.cert - path to SSL service certificate (in PEM format), used only in case of viewer/notifier HTTPS protocol,
  • ssl.key - path to SSL service key (in PEM format), used only in case of viewer/notifier HTTPS protocol,
  • local.ip - public IP address of FQDN of service,
  • log.file - path to file where logs will be held,
  • db.file - path to database file,
  • plots.dir - path to directory where generated plots will be held.

Note: all configuration changes will take effect after service restart.

Initializing database

QCG Application Monitoring service holds information about jobs in SQLite database file. To initialize database, the following command should be executed (as root):

service qcg-appmonitord initdb

Note: in case when database file already exists, this command will fail.

Starting the service

As the root user type:

service qcg-appmonitord start

Note: in log directory - /var/log/qcg/qcg-appmonitor by default - the qcg-appmonitord.log contains messages printed by the service during startup. After successfull start, the last line of this file should look like this:

process {pid} starting notifier at ({notifier.protocol}:{notifier.port}), viewer at ({viewer.protocol}:{viewer.port}) ...

Checking the service status

As the root user type:

service qcg-appmonitord status

Stopping the service

As the root user type:

service qcg-appmonitord stop