Version 8 (modified by bartek, 11 years ago) (diff)


QCG-Notification maintenance

Sometimes, in case of wrong configuration or rather wrongly tuned configuration for a certain scenario, it may be required to clean the notification data stored in the service. There are a number of possible ways of cleaning, but we will discuss only a few of them.

Flashing the database

If notification data is not critical, the most strightforward option may be to completly flash the database. In such a case, you should follow the following steps:

  1. Turn off the service
    /sbin/service qcg-ntfd stop
  1. Invoke the following command:
    psql -h localhost -d qcg-ntf -a -f /usr/share/qcg-ntf/tools/qcg-ntf-psql.sql

If you encounter the problem 'psql:/usr/share/qcg-ntf/tools/qcg-ntf-psql.sql:27: ERROR: syntax error at or near "EXISTS" at character 15', you should edit the script and remove all occurrences 'IF EXISTS' (this construction is not supported in older versions of PostreSQL).

  1. Start the service again
    /sbin/service qcg-ntfd start