Version 4 (modified by bartek, 12 years ago) (diff)


QCG-Notification update instructions

In most cases the update of the QCG-Notification is straightforward and doesn't need any additional work beyond typical operations (e.g. 'rpm -U' in case of RPMs). Nevertheless, some updates may require changes in configuration files or/and database schema. The following list of instructions corresponds only to the updates that need such a special treatment.

Update to 2.6.x

In version 2.6.x of QCG-Notification the database schema has changed, so the database used by the installed service must be updated as well.

  1. Turn off the QCG-Notification service (e.g. /sbin/servide qcg-ntfd stop)
  2. Update the service in a typical fashion (e.g rpm -U qcg-ntf-2.6.2-2.x86_64.rpm or yum update qcg-ntf)
  3. Update the QCG-Notifcation database. For installation from RPMs you can use script installed in /opt/plgrid/qcg/share/qcg-ntf/ Alternatively you can change the database manually with SQL script provided as /opt/plgrid/qcg/share/qcg-ntf/qcg-ntf-psql.sql.