= Integration with EGI Information Service = The basics of EGI Information Service are described at [[http://gridinfo.web.cern.ch/introduction|link]]. In general, information about a grid service is produced by a service provider and transfered into the closest BDII (LDAP) instance (typically co-allocated with the service).This procedure is significantly simplified with the help of tools offered by EMI Resource Information Service (`emi-resource-information-service`). Consequently, the integration of new services was limited to the provisioning of a few script and configuration files. In case of QCG services, the required stuff is distributed as RPM packages for each service, respectively: * '''`qcg-comp-egi-is-provider`''' - for QCG-Computing service * '''`qcg-ntf-egi-is-provider`''' - for QCG-Notification service * '''`qcg-broker-egi-is-provider`''' - for QCG-Broker service The RPMs are availeble for SL5 and SL6. == Requirements == The integration of QCG services with the EGI IS is based on tools enclosed in the `emi-resource-information-service` metapackage (including, among others `glite-info-provider-service` and `bdii`). The packages may be obtained from the EMI repo, which should be added to the yum in prior the installation: {{{ cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ wget http://emisoft.web.cern.ch/emisoft/dist/EMI/3/repos/sl6/emi3-base.repo wget http://emisoft.web.cern.ch/emisoft/dist/EMI/3/repos/sl6/emi3-updates.repo rpm --import http://emisoft.web.cern.ch/emisoft/dist/EMI/3/RPM-GPG-KEY-emi yum install emi-resource-information-service }}} Next, it also may be needed to configure (in `/etc/bdii` directory) and start the bdii service (`/sbin/service bdii start`). Please also check if the yum repositories for QCG packages are configured correctly: [http://apps.man.poznan.pl/trac/qcg/wiki/Software%20repositories instruction]. == Installation == The installation of QCG providers for EGI IS may be done simply by installing the '''`qcg-[SERVICE_NAME]-egi-is-provider`''' RPM, e.g.: {{{ yum install qcg-ntf-egi-is-provider }}} == Configuration == All the QCG EGI IS providers depend on the '''`qcg-egi-is-conf`''' package that is used for configuration of common data for all QCG services installed on the same resource. After the first installation of `qcg-egi-is-conf`, the installator will ask for configuration of the '''`site-ID`''': {{{ Installing : qcg-egi-is-conf-3.2.0-5.noarch 1/2 The package requires initial configuration in order to be used by QCG providers. Run qcg-info-site-config -s to set appropriate data. The list of available site-IDs can be found at https://goc.egi.eu/portal/index.php?Page_Type=Sites }}} According to this information, the requested data may be established with help of '''`qcg-info-site-config`''' command: {{{ qcg-info-site-config -s PSNC }}} Currently configured `site-ID` may be displayed as follows: {{{ qcg-info-site-config -d site-ID=PSNC }}}