Management and results

Monitoring and management of submitted tasks is realised from the main window of the program. The monitoring was already presented in the section devoted to Monitoring. This page introduces basic information about management of submitted tasks and their results.

Task cancelling

A taks that was already submitted, but is not yet in the final state, may be cancelled. In order to cancel a task use the context-menu that is shown when clicked with the right mouse button on a task. Then select Cancel.

Results management

When a taks is finished, depending on selected during submission parameters, there are following states related to the results’ availability:

  1. Unavailable (the icon for the properly finished task: )
  2. Available on resource (the icon for the properly finished task: )
  3. Available on resource and locally (the icon for the properly finished task: )
  4. Available locally (the icon for the properly finished task: )

Context menu

For tasks in states 2 - 4 the context menu available with right-click on a task’s row, includes options that allow to invoke certain operations on results. For the most general state, which is state 3, the menu looks as follows:

  • Download results - downloads results to the defalt location on a local computer,
  • Download results to… - download results to a selected location on a local computer,
  • Delete results from remote resource - deletes results from the remote resource only,
  • Delete results from local computer - deletes results from the local resource only,
  • Open results folder - opens the results folder using a default file explorer.

Opening the results folder

If results are available locally (i.e. the results are in a state 3. or 4.) it is possible to open results dir directly from QCG-Now:

  • by clicking on the state icon of a task (it changes to a button),
  • by clicking Open in the task’s details view,
  • with help of context menu (described above).